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Update on 2405-2411 Lake Shore Blvd West OLT Appeal – August 2024

MRA President’s Response to Councillor Morley Update

The Mimico Residents Association has been working to raise community concerns expressed by residents of Mimico with respect to the proposed development at 2405-2417 Lakeshore Blvd W., including working with Councillor Morley’s office to hold a Community Information meeting this past May and applying for Participant status at the Ontario Land Tribunal hearing that was set to take place this July. We have since learned that a settlement has been reached on this file – more details on this can be found in the attached letter from Councillor Morley. It is important to note that full disclosure of the settlement is still pending, and the MRA has only reviewed the limited information outlined in this letter while we await further details to be released after a settlement hearing. 

While we are encouraged by some of apparent concessions achieved in the settlement, such as the protection of Amos Waites Park in its entirety, we remain concerned about building height that is not in keeping with the Mimico by the Lake Secondary Plan as well as the lack of community benefits (most especially, lack of affordable units) mentioned as part of the approved settlement. Once further information is made available, we will provide a more fulsome update on this file.

2 thoughts on “Update on 2405-2411 Lake Shore Blvd West OLT Appeal – August 2024”

  1. Hi There,

    While I appreciate the Amos Waite park remains unimpacted by this new proposal. A 30+ storey tower dramatically changes the facade of the planned Mimico Heart. Not only does it contravene approved zones in the Mimico by the Lake plan it also will create massive shadow on Southern by the lake. Further to this it sets an unhealthy precedent of building height for Mimico. What is the actual purpose of established zones in the mimico by the lake secondary plan if they are not abided by? By permitting a 30+ story monstrosity you and Council have set precedent to ignore all prior zone height agreements in the plan.

    There are further proposals along lakeshore that are supposed to be zoned as low rise boutique buildings and plans are already submitted in contravention of this.

    How will you ensure the residents of South Etobicoke that the whole Mimico secondary plan is not a joke? And that to avoid arbitration council won’t fold like a cheap chair and allow developers to put up towers (which mind you the neighborhood is not set up to handle this influx of residents)?

    Contact me – I’d love to hear how you intend to prevent this precedent from continuing or perhaps you’d prefer to continue destroying Mimico.

    1. Hello Caroline, the MRA shares your concerns with this development and has opposed it and addressed it on many levels. We have done much to raise the community concerns to the decision makers. I hope you also take the opportunity to address this with Cllr Morley.

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