Minutes for MRA Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday October 11, 2018 – Anne’s house
Present: JoAnne (Guest), Adam Matheson, Anne Arthur, Chris Moore (chair), Deborah Burgess, Kate Leslie, Kent Schroeder, Leanne Faber, Leigh Graham Leslie Rowe Strong
Regrets: Andrew Bridel, Cam Smith
1) Quorum and meeting opening
· Quorum reached; meeting commenced at 7:35
2) Approval of Sept Minutes
· Motion to approve September 2018 Minutes put forward by Deb; Seconded by Kent; all in favour; motion passed
3) Halloween Dance Planning – Friday Oct 26 in St Leo’s Gym
· Venue has been secured at St. Leo.
· This will be last year for St. Leo since school being torn down next year. We will need to plan to secure the Adult Learning Centre gym well in advance.
· Planning logistics for this year’s event were discussed.
4) Tree for Me Planning – Sunday Oct 14 10:30 to 12:30 in Mimico Square
· Discussion of upcoming event. Most recent stats from TFM coordinator were that over 200 trees had been registered for pick-up.
· Coordinator of TFM had suggested MRA consider the feasibility of applying for a grant through Every tree counts (with a maximum amount of $10,000).
· Discussion of feasibility of coordinating a larger event through every tree counts. While the MRA hosting a larger event may be difficult to facilitate, it was agreed that the Board would further consider at an upcoming Board meeting once we had completed the TFM event.
· Board will consider whether there might be a possibility of MRA partnering with another organization in the area to facilitate a larger Every Tree Counts initiative.
· Action Item: Kate to find out more about the Every Tree Count Grant and report back to the group.
5) Third Lakeshore Leaders’ Forum Saturday, November 3, 9:00 a.m. to noon
· Intent is to use that Forum session to launch the Etobicoke Lakeshore Neighbourhood Panel.
· MRA has sent representatives in the past. Anne and Adam will attend the upcoming meeting on behalf of the MRA (and/or maybe Deb if she is able to attend)
6) Motion to form Nominating Committee
· Motion put forward by Anne to strike a nominating committee, consisting of Anne (as the chair), Kate, and Kent, to identify and assess candidates for the 2018/19 MRA Board; Seconded by Chris; All in favour; Motion passed.
· Nominating Committee will consist of: Anne- Chair; Kate –member; Kent- member
· Lesley is resigning effective end of 2018/2019 term. Andrew has resigned from the Board effective immediately.
· There will be a comprehensive Board member search conducted through facebook/social media, MRA’s membership base (those who have expressed interested in sitting on the Board) and word of mouth.
· Focus this year will be on trying to increase diversity on the Board to have a more broad representation of Mimico residents.
· Board may consider appointing replacement Board members in the interim prior to the 2019 AGM. This is something the Board will consider should they find an appropriate interested party.
· There was a discussion about the importance of Board engagement and regular attendance. Board will continue to monitor situations where Board Members do not attend meetings or participate on a regular basis.
7) Update on Oct 10 Mimico traffic services walk through
· Kate provided a summary of the recent “walk through” with Councillor Grimes’ office and Transportation Services. Chris and Kate attended the walk through and pointed out key areas of concern to Transportation Services.
· There will be a full comprehensive study of the area conducted by Transportation Services (in accordance with the two Motions successfully put forward by Mark Grimes and passed at Etobicoke Community Council to study possible traffic calming measures in the Mimico area).
· No firm timing was provided by Transportation Services on completing the study. However all streets in the bounded area set out in the motion will be studied.
· Transportation services is considering hiring a consultant to complete the study. It sounded as though a community consultation might occur after the study.
· Action Item: MRA to continue to monitor Transportation Services’ study to be completed pursuant to the approved motions passed at Etobicoke Community Council and follow up as appropriate.
8) Update on Oct 10 Etobicoke Lakeshore Municipal Election All Candidates Meeting
· All candidates meeting was very well attended. Attendance was much larger than anticipated. Some attendees were unfortunately turned away at the door to the auditorium due to overcrowding. Adam was able to live feed the debate and video will be hosted on youtube and linked on our website.
· Cost of debate went over budget
· Motion to have MRA donate $200 towards cost of event. Adam put forward; Chris seconded; All in favour; Motion passed.
· MRA will consider co-sponsoring a similar event in the future (next election)
9) Next board meeting date & location – Thurs Nov 8?
· Leanne to confirm whether she can host at her house. TBD.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30