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November 2022 Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Attendees: Tom, Lauren, Rozhen, David, John, Neil, Jim, Mike 

Regrets: Philip, Emma 


  • Approval of Oct 2022 Meeting Minutes (2 min)
    • Neil first
    • Jim Second 
  • Update on October events and initiatives (5 min)
    • Halloween dance – Mike
      • Thank yous are going out to volunteers shortly (Mike)
      • Raised $1465.75 plus deductions; anticipate $1300 towards MRA
        • Mike to write a cheque to Emma for MRA. 
      • Overall very good event with good attendance 
      • Neil will send a blast for the Halloween dance + pet election.
    • Pet election – Tim
      • Mimico Max elected 
      • 260 votes 
      • Max would like to be involved in all events and has ideas for events moving forward.
      • Instagram takeover to be coordinated with Tim and Lauren
      • Website to be updated to include Max
  • Board Memberships (10 min)
    • Context: we typically send out a request for new board members in November; additionally, there appears to be a need for an expanded board
    • Key actions: we need to agree on the number of new board members we need and the messaging that will be sent to the community (call for nominations)
    • Opportunity to grow board with more members for more hands on deck
    • Focus on specialized individuals (content creation, development, etc.)
    • Important to be selective with new board members
    • Engage with community/MRA members more rather than adding more board members. 
    • Identify holes in roles/functionality 
    • Put out a call for new board members in November 
  • Holiday Event (20 min)
    • Context: we have discussed the possibility of having a holiday event in December as our final event of the year; this would likely need to be done in coordination with another organization to ensure that we are able to execute (e.g., the BIAs)
    • Key actions: a go/no go decision is required on whether we will proceed with this and what our approach will be, and what kind of event we will do
    • Lauren to speak with Tim about connecting with Mimico by the Lake BIA, etc., for the holiday event. 
    • Lakeshore Santa Claus parade has offered to let us walk for free with a banner.
      • Mike to confirm when the commitment has to be made. 
  • Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act (15 min)
    • Context: On October 25, Ontario introduced the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, which proposes a host of very significant legislative changes that would, if enacted, fundamentally alter key aspects of the land use planning landscape in Ontario with the stated intention of spurring the construction of 1.5 million new homes over the next 10 years to address Ontario’s housing crisis. There are some significant concerns with some parts of this bill that would impact the Mimico community: removes protections for affordable rental housing, cuts funding for affordable housing and community amenities/infrastructure, reduces the power of conservation authorities, reduced requirements for parks and green space, reduces the engagement of community and municipalities in planning decisions, removes oversight on quality and design of new builds and more
    • Key actions: there should be an MRA response to this of some kind given its potential large impact; LAMP and MLCN are already doing some work on this that we could join or we could attempt to formulate our own response
      • Defer to next month 
      • Rozhen to forward summary from MLCN 
  • Mimico Childcare Support Network proposal (10 min)
    • Context: Tim has proposed a program that allows parents in the community to connect with emergency childcare from other, vetted community members on short notice as things like this come up and has been doing some initial feasibility assessments
    • Key actions: a go/no go decision is required on whether we will proceed with this
    • Update to be provided next month 
  • Door-to-door campaign (10 min)
    • Context: we have had multiple discussions related to setting up a door to door campaign event, however, in the absence of an owner to manage this, we have not been able to execute on the agreed upon dates
    • Key actions: we need to determine a new approach to this membership strategy
    • Tim to take lead on campaign
  • Open Forum (10 min)
    • Please bring any discussion items, ideas, thoughts, feedback, etc., to this forum, as well as any agenda items for our next meeting.
  • Schedule December board meeting (1 min)
    • Week of Dec 5th recommended 
    • Proposed December 5th – Jim to send invite 

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