Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting
November 8, 2017, 7:30pm
Meeting at the home of Chris
Present: Chris, Lesley, Leanne, Anne, Deborah
Regrets: Daniel, John, Leigh, Kent, JoAnne, Andrew
- Review and Approval of Agenda
- Review and Approval of Previous Minutes from October 11, 2017
- Quorum is not reached, therefore minutes cannot be approved.
- Halloween Dance Close-out – Chris
- Financial Summary – Leanne
- Income from event was $1,676.25 in sales + $650 in sponsorship = $2,326.26 in total (increase from $1,504 in 2016)
- Expenses are still being reconciled, likely close to $600.
- Thank-you notes/receipts to our sponsors
- Lesley will include thank-yous and links to sponsor website in the November e-news.
- Leanne has sent thank you cards to all of the sponsors.
- Leanne to send receipt for donation to the Rec Room.
- Feedback – what went well and areas for improvement?
- Pizza donation was good – next year think about napkins, plates, hand washing, etc.
- More lights needed for next year – especially for pizza tables, etc.
- Consider asking for more volunteers to work the event. This year was very busy.
- Document what we did for next year
- Leanne will document finances from dance.
- Financial Summary – Leanne
- OMB Notice regarding Mar 13th hearing for Minor Variance at 29 Judson – John
- Deferred
- Nominating Committee – Status update – Anne
- Call for board members for 2018/19 was posted to the website on Thurs Nov 2, and posted to FB on Sun Nov 5.
- The post is performing well on FB – over 730 views, over 60 ‘engagements’ (likes, shares, clicks on link).
- Candidates who have already expressed interest still under consideration.
- Before the 2018/19 nominations can be put forward, we need to know how many vacancies to be filled.
- John will be stepping down as of the upcoming AGM (as per his email on Nov 8)
- Chris will send an email to those who expressed interest on their MRA membership applications
- All board members to see if they know anyone who is interested.
6. AGM Planning – Location, Guest Speaker, Thurs March 22nd 2018- Chris
- Moved from March 29 to March 22 to avoid conflict with Easter
- Plan to reach out to Mark Grimes in January to book space at Mimico library
- Plan to ask Peter Milczyn to speak
- Changes to OMB implemented in 2017
- Provincial Senior’s Strategy
7. Other Business
- Chris added a discussion of development at 39 Newcastle Street
- Parking lot by Mimico GO station – application was submitted in 2016 for two towers. In July 2017, new application was submitted for three towers and increased density.
- Comments from the public are being accepted now. Chris will draft letter and send on behalf of MRA, voicing opposition to the development proposal.
- Anne will post something to FB to raise awareness, and provide information on how members of the public can become involved.
- Increasing awareness of MRA memberships
- Anne to post to FB this month, to encourage people to become members. Remind of things we have done – Bell murals, Halloween dance
- Brainstorming for next year:
- Submit letter in January to have additional traffic signal boxes painted.
- Organize movie night in June at local school
- Local 416 organizes movie nights – high likelihood of success if we partner, or go through Mark Grimes.
- Participate in Santa Claus parade somehow?
- Waterfront clean-up days – formalize that it is run by the MRA
- Continue with spring, and add fall clean-up day
- Bring sharps containers and education around not touching needles. Perhaps provide flags to indicate location.
- Consider if we want to be involved in a leader’s debate for the 2018 municipal election
- Leanne suggested that we ask all candidates for Ward 6 the same 3-4 questions relevant to Mimico, in a set period of time and post to our website.
8. Review of next meeting dates/times:
- Wed Jan 10 @ Andrew’s