Sent: April 10, 2014
Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Attn: Katch Koch – Clerk
Rm 1405 Whitney Block
99 Wellesley St W
Toronto, ON
M7A 1A2
Re: Mimico Residents Association Requests Support for Bill 20
Dear Members of the Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs,
The Mimico Residents Association (MRA) requests your support for the private members bill sponsored by MPP Rosario Marchese, namely Bill 20, Respect for Municipalities Act (City of Toronto), 2013.
The extremely tall and high density building developments in the Humber Bay Shores Motel Strip area, just East of Mimico, were approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) without community consultation. They far exceeded the guidelines established in the Secondary Plan for that area. There was a maximum 24-storey guidance in only two specific locations in the Secondary Plan, but many more and much higher (40 – 66 storeys) development applications were approved.
The MRA, on behalf of local residents, is very concerned that the recently completed Secondary Plan for Mimico-by-the-Lake could be similarly affected by OMB decisions. We fear justifiably that height restrictions will continue to be exceeded in development applications. It is amply demonstrated that exceptions to community and City plans are routinely granted by the OMB without community consultation.
The MRA hopes that exempting Toronto from the OMB jurisdiction as per the conditions described in Bill 20, and the formation of area Local Appeal Bodies, will help uphold City Planning frameworks, policies and community improvement plans.
Very importantly, appointees to these bodies should go through the public appointment process and not be arbitrarily picked on a political or lobbied basis.
Bill 20 could contribute to ensuring that approved development plans are appropriate to the infrastructure and built form of the surrounding area, and provide further opportunities for community consultation on special allowances in height and density.
John Cary, President
Mimico Residents Association
Cc: Toronto Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes; Ward 5 Councillor Peter Milczyn
Cc: Mayor Rob Ford, City of Toronto
Cc: Rosario Marchese, MPP Trinity-Spadina; Doug Holyday, MPP Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Cc: Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
Sad to hear Bill 20 was defeated by a narrow margin and that our MPP who was a voting member opted out on his casting a vote.