For info on this development proposal, please visit:
SENT: Nov 11, 2017
Nancy Martins
The Secretariat
City of Toronto Planning and Growth Management Committee
RE: File Number: 16 168950 WET 06 OZ
39 Newcastle Street
Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application
Dear Ms. Martins,
I am writing on behalf of the Mimico Residents Association (MRA) to voice the concern of Mimico residents regarding the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application submitted for 39 Newcastle Street.
The MRA does not support the proposed amendments for 39 Newcastle Street as they do not conform to the Mimico-Judson Secondary Plan. The proposal represents an over-development of the site that will negatively impact neighbouring properties and the community as a whole.
We request that the Committee refuse this application and take steps as needed to ensure that development results in an appropriately scaled and vibrant Mimico-Judson area.
Yours truly,
Chris Moore
Mimico Residents Association
cc: Sabrina Salatino, Planner, Community Planning,
cc: Neil Cresswell, Director, Community Planning,
cc: Luisa Galli, Manager, Community Planning,
cc: Councillor Mark Grimes,