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November 2015 MRA Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting
Tuesday November 10, 2015
Meeting at the home of JoAnne M. at 7:30 pm.

Present: John, Chris M, Dana, Daniel, Joanne C, JoAnne M.
Regrets: Kyra, Aaron, Lesley, Mary, Michael.

  1. As a quorum was present, John moved to open the meeting at 7:31 pm.
  2. Dana moved to approve the October 8, 2015 Mimico Board of Directors meeting minutes as presented. Seconded by Daniel. Motion passed.
  3. New Board members: Still waiting to hear if Joanne C’s friend is interested in joining. Chris has contacted some neighbors that may be interested. Action: John to contact Chris neighbors early in 2016 and Joanne C will contact her friend. A lot of new people have moved to the neighborhood so we will continue to promote the MRA.
  4. Shoreline Towers update: Mary is to appear as a Participant on behalf of MRA at the OMB hearing. She will attend for one day. The time requirement is beyond our ability. A showing of our interest in protecting the secondary plan is essential to show the OMB that the residents of Mimico are committed to following the Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan.
  5. Mimico Judson regeneration:-There is a consultation and display at Etobicoke City Hall On November 12th. Action: John, Chris & JoAnne M will attend.
  6. Store Front Humber Inc. update: John & Michael are working with John Fulton and Costanza Allevato. SFH continues to resist any changes. Action: John will continue to work with Ms. Allevato and push for a short 2 year lease renewal for SFH. We need to work with the community to determine potential uses for SFH. The BIA are okay with a 2 year lease renewal extension.
  7. MLRM update: Violations regarding hours of operation have decreased. The City’s MLRM working group continue to attempt to move the facility. MLRM is is to go before the OMB re Metrolinx easement and building permits for the 6 buildings that were constructed without permission.
  8. Grand Ave Park: Kim Edgar (Mark Grimes’ ED) has set up a meeting for Nov 18/15 regarding Grand Ave Park. The meeting is scheduled at the Polish Hall @ 6:30pm on Nov 18/15.
  9. Anti-graffiti Initiative. Action-Mary will post the initiative on our web site.
  10. Halloween dance-post mortem: the DJ did an amazing job. The dance was well received. The volunteers were plentiful and helpful. The majority of tickets were sold at the door and attendance was very good. Demographics in Mimico have changed and the number of young families living here has increased. Sponsorship was down this year so we will look for sponsorship earlier next year. Action: Joanne C to provide a list of what we need for next year’s dance.
  11. Other business: Brian Liberty from the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association has contacted John. They are resurrecting their association and have asked John to attend their next meeting. Action: John will attend their meeting on November 30th.
  12. Traffic studies: Traffic issues need to be on the radar as traffic increases and flow patterns change.
  13. Mimico United Church sales: Two realtors have recently been added to the sales team.
  14. Mimico Community Centre: No new information given to us.
  15. John moved to terminate the meeting and the motion was seconded by Joanne C at 9.30 pm. Passed unanimously.

Our next meeting will be on the Dec 3/15 @ the home of Joanne C.

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