Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting
Tuesday March 7, 2017
Present: Chris, Leanne, Dana, Mary, Daniel, Leslie, Deb, JoAnne, Leigh, John, Kyra
- As quorum was present Chris moved to open the meeting at 7:38 p.m.
- Leslie proposed approval of December 2016 minutes, seconded by Mary. Daniel proposed approval of the January 2017 minutes, seconded by Mary.
- MRA AGM Mar 30th, 8 to 9:30pm at Mimico Library
Nominating Committee Report – Chris will chair.
Action: Chris will present the new members (3) of the Board of Directors at the AGM. Chris will also contact another MRA member who expressed an interest in joining the board.
Executive Roles post AGM – Secretary (Leigh) & Treasurer (Leanne)
Reports to prepare at AGM – President, Secretary, Treasurer
Membership Renewal –
Action: Lesley & Dana will reregister members
Publicity – Meeting is on the Guardian website and Facebook.
Action: Mary to re-post on Facebook, JoAnne will add it to the e-newsletter. Chris will ask Mark Grimes to add to his newsletter. Mary will post a notice in the library and send out an e-notice a few days before the event.
7:30 – Waiting outside Library for doors to open & setup
7:45 – Registration
8 – 8.45 AGM
8.45-9.30 Peter Milczyn will speak about the OMB.
Action: John will contact Peter’s office, to see if he needs any equipment for the AGM.
9:30 to 10 – Cleanup
- Mimico Judson Secondary Plan – letter in support of MLCN.
Action: Chris will send letter of support for MLCN.
- Mimico Murals Project to paint murals 8 Bell Boxes.
Action: The MRA will work on the Mimico Mural Project in partnership with the Bell Box Mural Project and Lakeshore Arts. Leigh, Mary, Chris, and Deb will be the MRA representatives.
Outside the BOX Program update – The MRA submitted a list of Mimico Traffic Signal boxes for inclusion in StreetARToronto’s Outside the Box Program. Four Mimico boxes have been included in the 2017 program.
- Mimico Waterfront Cleanup is in need of an organizer.
Action: Chris to share details with Mary/Leanne to see if they know folks interested in organizing on Apr 22 weekend.
Next Meeting – Tues May 2 @ Lesley’s House
Daniel motioned to terminate meeting seconded by Deb. Meeting terminated at 9:30 PM
Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting
March 30, 2017
Present: Chris, Daniel, Deb, Leanne, Leslie, JoAnne, Anne, Kent, Andrew
As quorum was present, Chris moved to open the meeting at 9:35 PM
Appointment of Officers for 2017-2018: Be it resolved that Chris Moore be appointed to the office of President, Lesley Strong be appointed to the office of Vice President, Leanne Faber be appointed to the office of Treasurer, and Leigh Graham be appointed to the office of Secretary of the Mimico Residents Association for a one-year term.
Proposed by Daniel, Seconded by Anne.
All in favor, motioned passed.
- Daniel moved to terminate the meeting, seconded by Lesley. Meeting terminated at 9:40 PM