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March 2015 MRA Board Meeting Minutes

* Please note, meeting minutes are posted after approval at the following month’s Board meeting. Archived meeting minutes can be viewed on the Meetings & Minutes page.

Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting

March 3, 2015

Meeting at the home of Joanne Cortellessa at 7:30 pm.

Present: John, Mary, Leslie, Joanne C, Chris M, Dana, Mike, JoAnne M

Regrets: Kyra, Martha, Daniel, Zark

  1. As quorum was present John moved to open the meeting at 7:41 pm.
  2. Joanne C moved to approve the minutes of February 2015 meeting, seconded by Dana. Motion carried.
  3. Update on 2313 and 2323 Lake Shore Boulevard West (Mary)
    The development application is in the first phase. The owners of 2313 and the building across from 711 are both going to the OMB to appeal the Secondary Plan . The Mimico Secondary plan suggests a road be built behind the existing Shoreline Towers twin buildings. The owner does not want to do this as it would prevent their ability to build a tower in the existing parking lot. The OMB hearing (phase 2 dealing with these site specific appeals) is scheduled for November 2015. Michael Colvin is following these applications very closely. Action: The MRA board of directors will ask Michael if he would like to become a special board member and keep us informed on these applications.
  4. February EYCC minutes interpretation.
  5. Mimico Hall (Storefront Humber).
    The construction for the foot clinic continues. The MRA wishes to be involved in discussions regarding the use of the building. If Storefront Humber is granted a lease renewal agreement, it is the MRA’s insistence that the space can be shared with the community.
    Action: Later in 2015 and long prior to the lapse of the existing lease (May 31/16) in conjunction with the Councillor, the MRA will consult with other community groups (BIA, Lakeshore Planning Council) requesting their suggestions for potential use of a shared space.
  6. Mystic Pointe and Area Residents Association (MPARA)
    John has met with Werner S from the MPARA. The issues include:

    • The current developer (Etabbey) wants to build a tower of 48 Storeys/ 548 units / 640 parking spaces on 251 Manitoba St.
    • In 2007, the residents of Mystic Pointe were promised townhomes by the former developer (Camrost Felcorp) as their compromise for additional building, additional height and additional units on Parcel E (Legion Rd. N.) which they did get.
    • Camrost has apparently sold 251 Manitoba without the site being formally changed to townhomes up to 4 storeys.
    • There is a Notice of Decision from the Committee of Adjustments that approves 4 storey – 152 stacked townhouse units with the only condition being, “The applicant shall apply for and obtain Site Plan Approval, to the satisfaction of Community Planning”.
    • The infrastructure cannot handle current density let alone increased density.
    • The power grid can barely handle the current density.
    • Much of the neighbourhood will be eclipsed by a 48 storey tower.
    • The wind tunnel effects are quite substantial already without another structure going in.

    Action: John to write a letter to the MPARA conveying the MRA board support of the issues facing this area of Mimico: encourage the MPARA to become members of the MRA and attend our AGM March 24, 2015.

  7. ML Ready Mix
    The MOE tribunal hearing is scheduled for April, 2015. There are 5 local residents that will be presenters at the hearing.
  8. AGM on March 24th 2015 @ 7 pm.
    A guest speaker from the Interpretive Center at Humber College has offered to speak on the History of Mimico and New Toronto. Action: Mike will secure the speaker. Mary & Mike to work on a poster advertising the AGM. Mary to post poster to our facebook.
  9. MRA Membership
    The board supports paid membership as it allows the members to vote. Action: John to check the MRA bylaws regarding the voting rights of paid vs non-paying members.
  10. Party in the Park on Tuesday, June 16, 2015.
    Action: The MRA will help promote the event, setup, clean up, and donate the proceeds from the sale of freezies, popcorn, and juice boxes.
  11. Lakeshore clean up date is Saturday April 18, 2015.
    Action: Anyone interested in organizing a local park clean-up can start at
  12. Next meeting date and location to be announced.
  13. Mike moved to terminate the meeting, seconded by Dana. Meeting terminated at 9:57pm.

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