Sept 11, 2016
Bruce McCuaig
President and CEO
Dear Mr McCuaig,
I am writing on behalf of the Mimico Residents Association (MRA), to voice the concern of Mimico residents regarding major delays in the implementation schedule for improvements to Mimico Station.
The Mimico GO Station preliminary design includes two new pedestrian tunnels plus tunnel entrance structures, elevators and stairs. In early 2016, we were told this work would begin in 2016, however in an Aug 2016 Metrolinx update, we learned that Mimico GO Station detailed design & construction is scheduled for 2018 to early 2021. This is a full two years later than originally planned.
Construction for accessible, barrier free access needs to start this year; however the start date for this necessary change continues to move further into the future. Mimico Station accessibility has been an ongoing issue for many years and waiting another 2 to 5 years is simply not an option.
We respectfully request that you let us know what can be done to implement these much needed changes as soon as possible.
Yours truly,
Chris Moore
Mimico Residents Association
cc: Peter Milczyn, MPP Etobicoke-Lakeshore,
cc: Councilor Mark Grimes,
cc: John Jensen, Chief Capital Officer, Capital Projects Group,
cc: Jennifer Capan, Community Relations & Issues Specialist,
I live @ 30 Harold Street. I am a wheeltrans customer and have multiples disabilities.
I am greatly impacted by the noise of the Willowbrook Metrolinx facility in the wee hours of the morning.The noise from the facility wakes myself and my housemate up sometime around 4:00 to 5:00 AM on a daily basis. The speed of the while bombardier vehicles move very fast on Harold Street. There is a plan to build 75 town homes on Judson on the border of the railway tracks. I attended the Planning and Growth Committee at City Hall when this decision was made. The construction of accessibility barrier free access is a very important issue that must be dealt with ASAP. There is also a problem with the tracks.
When you board the train. There is a very narrow gap between the platform and the train.
I currently walk with a cane. When I wear a backpack or carry a bag. I am afraid of falling backwards onto the track. The platform needs to be more accessible as well.
I would greatly appreciate your response.
Abbe Edelson
Thanks Abbe! Be sure to send your letter directly to Metrolinx!