On July 12, 2022, the Mimico Residents Association sent a letter detailing our concern over the continued operation of ML Ready Mix. The letter text is below.
July 12, 2022
Councillor Mark Grimes
Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 2N2
Sent via email to: councillor_grimes@toronto.ca
cc: Mayor John Tory, City of Toronto
Attn: Councillor Mark Grimes
Re: Continued Operation of ML Ready Mix, 29 Judson Street
Dear Councillor Grimes
Frustration in our residential community has reached a new high at yet another delay to the eviction of ML Ready Mix from their current location at 29 Judson Street. After years of false promises, bylaw violation and worst of all, a fatal accident in 2020, we demand real action. It is unacceptable that a private company operating on publicly held land can continuously abuse their rights making a mockery of the systems in place while setting a harmful precedent for the City as a whole.
Leading up to the supposed June 30th eviction, we appreciate that a bailiff was retained however this effort was in vain as action was not immediately taken allowing ML time to file their emergency injunction days later.
Given this new litigation what are the new timelines we are facing for ML’s eviction and what steps are being taken to tackle this new hurdle? Additionally, as a voice for our community, the MRA wants to play an active hand in seeing this eviction through. What specific actionable items do you recommend we can engage in and pass along to our members?
Thank you,
Rozhen Asrani
President, Mimico Residents Association