Minutes for MRA Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday June 7, 2018 – Etobicoke Yacht Club
Present: Anne Arthur (minutes), Deborah Burgess, Leanne Faber, Leigh Graham, Adam Matheson, Chris Moore (chair), Kent Schroeder, Lesley Rowe Strong
Regrets: Andrew Bridel, Kate Leslie Johnston, Cam Smith
Guests: JoAnne McKeown
Quorum obtained; meeting began at 7:40 pm
Approval of May minutes – Chris
Moved by Deborah, seconded by Lesley. All in favour – approved.
- Party in the Park Tuesday June 12, Party in the Park 5-8pm at George R Gauld.
- Joanne shared that the PiTP Organizing Committee received an Award of Merit from LAMP this year.
- Joanne reviewed the schedule for MRA volunteers with the Board.
- The group discussed organizational and logistic details.
- Action: Deborah will purchase 160 each of Ring Pops and juice boxes.
- AGM Membership Updates – Lesley
- Lesley updated the list and uploaded it to Google Drive. There are a few new members who did not provide an email address; Lesley will send them a letter (we have their mailing address) with info on how to access/sign up for our e-newsletter.
- Action: Lesley will train Adam on the membership process in the fall – he will take it over from Lesley.
- Road Safety Letter – Chris
- The Board discussed various options to include in a letter to Councillor Grimes regarding traffic safety in Mimico.
- Consider specifying problematic streets,
- Request a focus on ‘low speed’ street designs, exploring options aside from speed bumps and speed tables
- Group discussed how best to contact Councillor Grimes, and the content of any communications developed.
- Action: MRA to send a letter detailing traffic related issues to Councillor Grimes
- Action: MRA to draft a template letter that Mimico residents can use to contact Grimes with their specific concerns.
- The MRA letter to Councillor Grimes will include:
- A request to hold a community meeting to explain the implications of the May 22nd City Council meeting,
- A request to schedule a meeting with City Planning and TPS to discuss traffic calming solutions
- Immediate reinstatement of ‘live speed monitoring’ signs in Mimico school zones
- Action: Anne and Adam to update draft of letter, send to Chris and Kate for final review and update.
Metrolinx briefing meeting – Chris - Scheduled for Wed June 13, to discuss planned updates to Mimico GO station.
- Community consultation planned for July.
- Action: Adam will send his questions for Metrolinx to Anne and Chris before the meeting.7) Lakeshore Leaders Forum (Adam, Cam)
- Mimico Movie Night – Anne
- Local 416 is not providing movie nights this summer. Councillor Grimes’ office has indicated that they will be able to fund a movie night in Mimico directly. A company has been located with availability on Friday July 21st.
- Anne will continue to work with Kim Edgar (from Councillor Grimes’ office) to obtain updates, which will be shared with the Board as needed.
- Other Business – Chris
- Via email from Kate – TFM application rolled over for the fall, requesting approval from the board to move forward for an event date in September.
- The request was unanimously approved.
- Next meeting date and time
- Thurs Sept 13, possibly at Deborah’s house.