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June 2015 MRA Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting
June 2, 2015
at the home of JoAnne M @ 7:30 pm.

Present: Joanne C. John, Aaron, Mary, Kyra, Dana, Lesley, Mike H., JoAnne M. Samantha Gene from Toronto environmental alliance.

Regrets: Chris M, Dan, Michael C.

Samantha Gene spoke on the INHALE project. This project is collecting pollution samples from the Mimico, New Toronto, and Long Branch area. Individuals are encouraged to wear the monitor for12 hours a day (for 7 days) as they walk or cycle through the designated areas. The monitor has a GPS so it can track where the individual has been. The study is one year long (April/15-April/16). Summary of data analysis will be analyzed done by the TEA.

Samantha asked for our assistance to get the message out to the Mimico residents. All board members were agreement to post on our webpage/face book pages. Action: Aaron to discuss with the BIA so the project could be discussed at upcoming events.

  1. John moved to open the meeting and as quorum was present, called the meeting to order @ 7:35
  2. Addition business. Dana asked to add insurance to the agenda.
  3. Minutes of May Meeting. Mike H. proposed to accept May 2015 minutes, Joanne C. seconded. All in favor, minutes passed
  4. Mimico Hall update: John reported that there has been no response from Mark Grimes, Mayor Tory, or Mary Hansen the director of SFH . The letter sent to Mayor Tory had a deadline that has expired with no response. There are many examples of no response from SFH re renting space from groups or individuals they do not know.
    Action: John will send a letter to councillors requesting a reply by July 1/15. We will attempt to rent space at SFH for Mary’s choir and our AGM. Our second step is to go to the guardian with the story keeping the spin positive followed by an online petition.
  5. ML update. The 400+ peditions will be submitted to the CoA by June 4th. The petitions are all in support of Metrolinxs request to maintain their original easement.
  6. Party in the Park. We will donate our candy costs and proceeds from the sale of Juice, ring pops, and ice cream. Barb and Rob have also asked if the MRA can drive the van to pick up supplies for the event. Action: Mary, Aaron, JoAnne & Joanne C will volunteer as drivers. JoAnne M. to draw up a schedule for the board members out lining the tasks we have been asked to assist with during the event.
  7. New/other business. Dana discussed the need to complete our Insurance:. Action: John to sign off on the insurance.
  8. Next meeting date is scheduled for September 15/15 at Aarons home (40 Queens Ave).
  9. The motion to terminate the meeting was put forward by John. Motion passed and the meeting was terminated at 9:18.

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