Monday, February 27, 2023
Attendees: Emma, Jim, Michael, Tim, David, Rozhen, Neil
Regrets: Lauren
- Volunteer to take minutes required – Jim
- Approval of Jan 2023 Meeting Minutes (2 min)
- Approved by Emma, seconded by Tim
- 2023 AGM (20 min)
- The AGM will be held on either March 22 or 29th (Councillor Morley has confirmed these two dates work for her). However, we need to determine a location (Mike is working on this) and finalize details ASAP.
- Action items: Mike to provide an update on where we are in terms of location, permits, insurance, etc., and collectively, we should solidify the next steps to send invites and plan the event
- The Rec Room requires insurance and a permit fee (fee unknown). Our insurance covers event liability insurance. A church is available too.
- Tim – will contact LAMP and Polish Community Centre for availability
- Tim – will send a full Planning Spreadsheet for coordinating this event
- Neil – send members a SaveTheDate invite by Friday, March 3
- Date / Time – March 29 at 7:30-9:00 pm
- Location – TBA
- Key Planning Points
- Refreshments
- Technology (hybrid event)
- Logistics (chairs, etc.)
- Content – Rozhen
- Memberships (check at door, sign-ups)
- Finance (payments, cash, etc.)
- Promotion – Neil send SaveTheDate Invite and Final Invite
- Board membership (10 min)
- Currently, only Neil, Philip, and John have indicated they have or will be stepping down; as of now, we have Mike, Jim, Emma, Lauren, Tim, David, and Rozhen staying on
- Action items: The search committee (Rozhen, Emma, Jim) have received some good submissions for board members and will be reviewing them today and reaching out to shortlisted candidates to set up interviews
- Interviews
- Looking for – those able to assist with event planning, interest in building developments, etc.
- Decisions – choose at least 3 replacement members
- Recommendations – the search committee will interview and recommend 3+ people to the AGM for election
- Revisiting our membership system (15 min)
- We discussed amending our membership process to minimize lapsed members
- Last month, a reminder went out to those whose membership had lapsed to encourage them to renew their membership
- Action items: Tim and Emma to provide an update on the results of the membership reminder email as well as any progress on streamlining renewals and signups (incl. automatic renewals)
- Emma sent a reminder for membership payments; will send another
- Current # of MRA Members – 60
- Automated Membership Renewals – this is needed to help build the membership. PayPal has an auto payment setup with reminder emails weeks ahead of the payment going through.
- Emma & Tim – will meet again to determine the method to do this
- Previous action items (10 min)
- Meeting with Councillor Morley – Rozhen/Tim
- Meet on March 14 at 1 pm.
- Rozhen, Tim, David & Jim will meet
- Meet and Greet with BIAs – Rozhen
- Meeting with the leadership there
- Mimico Max on the website and IG take-over – Tim/Lauren
- Planning a takeover on the website and IG live!
- Website blog posts – Jim
- David to work with Neil to have some knowledge transfer on the newsletter
- Development tracking tool – Lauren/David
- No further update
- Draft MRA response to Bill 23 and Bill 39 – David
- David – to craft a message and get feedback from the Board before publishing it; Will re-send his drafts to the board
- Meeting with Councillor Morley – Rozhen/Tim
- Open Forum (5 min)
- Please bring any discussion items, ideas, thoughts, feedback, etc. to this forum, as well as any agenda items for our next meeting.
- Rozhen – will send some ideas on the municipal election for a new mayor.
- Schedule February board meeting (5 min)
- Date before AGM recommended
- Date Chosen – March 21 @ 7:30 pm
- Date before AGM recommended