MRA Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, December 16th, 2020
19:30 – Virtual meeting
Attended: Tim Ellis, John Homsy, Mike Majeski, Heather Mak, Adam Matheson, Emma Park, Mostafa Shaheen, James Stack, Kevin
1) Quorum and Meeting Opening – Mike
2) Approval of August Minutes – ALL
- Motion – Adam, Seconded – John. Approved.
3) Christie’s Follow Up – Adam Question Follow Up
- They have answered our questions in some level of detail
- They have agreed to allow us to publish their answers on our website
- Adam to prepare the post
4) Vandyk Mimico GO Condo Development – Mostafa
- Meeting of the key stakeholders
- 27 floor approval for the two buildings
- Vandyk has requested a revision for higher buildings – 44 floors and 29 floors
- No decision has been made
- Main issue is traffic volumes on Royal York
- Not a clear reply; they are engaged in traffic studies
- No intention to close down Mimico station; may have to move the station entrance temporarily to accommodate construction activities
5) Letter to Grimes and Police Follow Up – Mike
- Mike followed up with both Grimes and the Police department
- Grimes office has stated they addressed the concerns in a previous statement they issued
- Police department had originally responded, but did not follow up
6) Conservation Authorities Letter for Hogarth – Heather
- Adam and Heather drafted a letter to be sent to Hogarth
- Looking for feedback from the group before sending
- Bill 229, Section 6: was passed that strips conservation authority to protect wetlands or other areas they are charged with protecting
- Concern that reduced regulation could eventually lead to environmental disasters/property damage, especially flooding in the Mimico area
7) 98 Superior Discussion
- Neighbours of the house did not want to see this place torn down. Applied for heritage status, nothing was granted
- Builders designed a home within the constraints of the city of Toronto guidelines to get a demo permit very quickly
- Their approach was within the limits of the law
8) Mark Grimes Focus Group – Mostafa, Mike, & Adam
- Focus Group is to discuss the expansions of the original traffic study and ongoing traffic issues in the Mimico area
- Date has not been decided on yet for the meeting
- We will participate in the group discussion
- We will use our platform to gather thoughts from our association membership to discuss at the focus group
- Grimes’ office has proposed opening the focus group to more community members
- They want to hear from a diverse group or residents
- Next step would be to plan a larger community discussion after completion of the focus group meeting
9) Bike Fatality Follow up – ALL
- No further comments
10) Membership Discussion Chris Moore’s Suggestion / Follow Up – ALL
- Mike to reach out to Chris and Anne (former integral board members) to discuss the process and ideas around garnering membership
- Will send a summary of his discussion for us to act on
11) Other Business Moving Forward in 2021 – ALL
- No further comments
12) Next Meeting TBD – ALL
- Prospective members will join a Zoom info session call on Jan 13th at 7:30-8:30pm
- Prospective board members will then join our usual MRA meeting on Jan 20th – 7:30-8:30pm