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August 2020 Meeting Minutes

MRA Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020

19:30 – Virtual meeting

Attended: Tim Ellis, Joe Fotia, John Homsy, Mike Majeski, Heather Mak, Adam Matheson, Emma Park, Mostafa Shahein, James Stack

Regrets: None

Guests: Kevin and Carly, Zsuzsanna Lichner


1. Quorum and Meeting Opening – Mike

2. Motion to approve July minutes – Mike

  • Motion – John; seconded by Emma; motion carried

3. Welcoming of New Participants – Adam

Participants welcomed – no comments from them

4. Insurance Update – Emma

  • Received confirmation of payment and policy is in good standing.
  • Emma to follow up with broker to confirm everything is in order going forward

5. Affordable Housing Follow-up Discussion  – Adam

  • Adam provided a brief summary of the groups work and what they are trying to achieve in our area
  • Group to vote on if we should: a) provide awareness but not openly push agenda or b) get behind motion fully and openly support it or c) no action – group voted for a)

6. COVID Update – Tim/Mike

  • Maloney called Tim, they are too busy right now. Grimes and Hogarth have not responded.
  • Tim suggested we reach out to Patrick Nunziata for comment as residents have questions on school reopenings. Tim will engage with Nunziata’s office
  • Mostafa – Working with a Mimico doctor and dentist and would like to have videos published by next meeting on COVID doing a Q&A

7. Updates, FYI’s and Forwards – Mostafa

  • Will continue to send and direct to the proper board members

8. Campbell’s Site Proposal – 60 Birmingham –  All

  • Mike summarized what was proposed and issues raised by the community – a consumer goods logistics facility servicing the GTA. Site will have ~80 bays for tractor trailers, access to multiple roads in Mimico/New Toronto. Fear of significant traffic volume and safety issues. Facility likely to operate 24 hours a day.
  • Zsuzsanna (guest) brought up the local petition that has been signed by over 500 people. Petition details and what it is trying to achieve – First: Asking for a community consultation from the developer – Second: references noise studies done, and  Third: look into why Grimes has recused himself from the decision. She feels the most important part is pushing for a consultation with the company.
  • Heather has some contacts at Quad Real and can find the appropriate person to speak with.
  • Kevin (guest) asked if we would be able to sway any decisions – Tim suggested that we could probably impact the decision with public hearings
  • Tim and James suggested they could survey members via Facebook/website (Adam/Emma) on interest in a consultation if a community meeting does not occur from the developer – aiming for August 28th timing

9. Other Business – nothing at this time

10. Next Meeting – Thursday, September 17th, 2020 @ 7:30pm.

  • Emma to send the invite to the board.
  • Meeting concluded 20:40

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