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Joint position on the proposed disposal of Parkland around Storefront Humber

Sent: Friday March 18, 2016 To: Councillor Mark Grimes, Mayor John Tory, Kim Edgar, Jennifer Keesmat, Niel Cresswel, Costanza Allevato, MPP Peter Milczyn, Lynda Ryder, Sabrina Salatino Below is a co-signed position paper that we believe should be considered when… Read More »Joint position on the proposed disposal of Parkland around Storefront Humber

Toronto Tree Planting strategy – Public Consultation Meetings RESCHEDULED

Update: November 5, 2015 City of Toronto working on a Tree Planting Strategy The City of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation division, in consultation with Toronto Water, Transportation Services, City Planning and Economic Development and Culture, will develop a Tree… Read More »Toronto Tree Planting strategy – Public Consultation Meetings RESCHEDULED

Councillor Grimes moves to meet with locals and take action re: Waterfront Path Safety

Press release from Councillor Grimes’ office: Wednesday September 9th, 2015 For Immediate Release  Need for Increased Safety Measures on the Waterfront Trai Toronto, Ontario – In response to increasing concerns regarding safety on the Waterfront Trail in the areas of… Read More »Councillor Grimes moves to meet with locals and take action re: Waterfront Path Safety

Phase 1 of the Waterfront Linear Park

Letter to Councillor Grimes re: Mimico Waterfront Trail Safety

Sent: July 24, 2015 To: Councillor Mark Grimes, Dear Councillor Grimes, I am writing again on behalf of the Mimico Residents Association to urge you to take immediate action to further improve the safety of the Mimico Waterfront Trail… Read More »Letter to Councillor Grimes re: Mimico Waterfront Trail Safety

City of Toronto tree protection policy & specifications for construction near trees

Mimico Residents, For your information: Below (linked PDF) are the current City guidelines and regulations should one undertake construction around or near City-owned trees. As well, there are restrictions on backyard trees if they are over 30 cms in diameter… Read More »City of Toronto tree protection policy & specifications for construction near trees

Phase 1 of the Waterfront Linear Park

MRA Letter to Councillor Grimes re: Improving Mixed-Use Path signage

Sent: April 2, 2014 Re: Improving Mixed-Use signage on Mimico’s Waterfront Trail Dear Councillor Grimes, The Mimico Residents Association (MRA) would like to thank you, Waterfront Toronto and the TRCA for the improvements to Mimico’s Waterfront Trail over the past… Read More »MRA Letter to Councillor Grimes re: Improving Mixed-Use Path signage