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SEPTEMBER 2012 Community News

MRA Longo Meeting Covered in Etobicoke Guardian
MRA is preparing a detailed report of our September 13th meeting including Longo Development’s description of their plan for Amedeo Court and the question and answer period that followed. We hope to release the report within the next week; it will be available for download on the MRA website Meetings and Minutes page:

MRA Mimico 20/20 Survey Results

We’re almost there! The results report of the our Mimico 20/20 Survey will be ready shortly and posted on the website. Many thanks to the MRA Survey Team for all their work crunching numbers and formatting the report!

Trees in Mimico Parks

The MRA received a note from a concerned resident about the availability of tree shade at Memorial Park. Concern has also been expressed about the lack of shade in Mimico Square. In response we have asked for a meeting (or more information) with the Parks and Recreation Department on planned improvements for Mimico parks.  Stay tuned for more information.

CULTURE DAYS in our Neighbourhood Next weekend!
September 28, 29 & 30 at various locations

Culture DaysCulture Days is a 3 day-long, annual collaborative pan-Canadian volunteer movement to raise the awareness, accessibility, participation and engagement of all Canadians in the arts and cultural life of their communities. This year Lakeshore Arts, led by Susan Nagy, has worked with many community arts and culture groups to put together a wide variety of programming in our community.
Check out the Map and schedule of local events (including yoga, dance, drawing, photography, drumming, choral singing, drama and much more!) at:
More about Culture Days at

Date: Thursday, November 1
Time: 6pm-8:30pm
Location: Mimico Square, Amos Waites Park

Say farewell to Halloween with an enchanting evening. The Mimico-by-the-Lake BIA invites you to bring your Jack-O-Lanterns to light up Mimico Square and the pathway leading to Amos Waites Park on Thursday, November 1st beginning at 6pm. Please bring your own candles. Volunteers will be on hand to assist in lighting the pumpkins. Pumpkins will be collected by the City of Toronto the following morning.

Sent via email to the MRA News List September 23, 2012:
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