To the City Clerk:
Please add my comments to the agenda for the June 16, 2015 Etobicoke York Community Council meeting on item 2015.EY7.1, Request for Direction Report – 251 Manitoba Street – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application
I understand that my comments and the personal information in this email will form part of the public record and that my name will be listed as a correspondent on agendas and minutes of City Council or its committees. Also, I understand that agendas and minutes are posted online and my name may be indexed by search engines like Google.
Comments: The Mimico Residents Association fully supports the position that the Mystic Pointe and Area Residents Association takes on the 251 Manitoba Street-Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application.
John Cary. President, Mimico Residents Association.
Link to the Agenda item: