Shoreline Towers, at 2313 – 2323 Lake Shore Blvd West, has submitted a Rezoning Application to City Planning which proposes a 25 storey, 241 unit tower adjacent to the lake, behind the two current buildings which are on their property. They have also submitted a site-specific Appeal to the Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan through the Ontario Municipal Board.
The Site specific OMB Appeals Hearings are scheduled to begin in November 2015.
Rezoning Status Page – City Planning | OMB Appeal Status Page
Landscape Plans 2313, 2323 Lake Shore Blvd W 2014-10-14 (PDF)
Planning Justification Report 2313-2323 Lake Shore W 2014 11 18 (PDF)
The owners of the plaza next to Seaway (2491 Lake Shore Blvd West) have also joined the OMB Appeal. They have not yet submitted a Rezoning or Development Application.
OMB Appeal letter – 2491 Lake Shore Aug 20, 2013
The ongoing status and upcoming dates in the OMB Appeals to the Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan can be found at
The MRA has registered as a Participant in the OMB appeal hearing so that we may present statements on behalf of the community. At this point, we feel that the Secondary Plan should be upheld and exceptions should not be made for developers, particularly as regards height and density.
The OMB will be holding a Pre-Hearing conference on June 29, 2015 leading up to the November 2015 hearing. This will be an opportunity for any member of the public or organization to ask for participant status.