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September 2017 MRA Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Meeting at the home of Deborah

Present: Chris, Leanne, Lesley, Leigh, Deborah, Andrew, Kent, Anne, Daniel, John

Regrets: JoAnne

Guest: Les

  1. As quorum was present, Chris moved to open the meeting at 7:41pm.
  1. Action items completed from June:
    1. JoAnne to create Party in the Park schedule for the evening – Complete
    2. Lesley changed wording on website as proposed to reflect the June 30th cutoff for membership – Complete
    3. Lesley to handover membership responsibilities to Jo Anne – Complete
    4. Propose mural on Storefront Humber wall – Not complete – defer for now
  1. Motion to approve June Minutes. Chris motioned; all in favour.
  1. Halloween Dance planning:
    1. Changes Based on experience from last year. Schedule on Friday as venue cheaper. Monitor so groups of kids do not run through bathrooms, better signage, lighting, and more setup time
    2. Proposed Location/date/time: St. Leo’s, Fri Oct 27 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm, with 45 – 60 mins for setup
    3. Items for sale last year: Glow Necklaces/bracelets/wands, water, ring pops, candy
    4. Expand sponsor’s list to include volunteer DJ
    5. Action Item: Lesley to book venue this week.
    6. Action Item: Deb will call DJ Warren to determine availability.
    7. Action Item: Chris to ask Mary to change PDF to reflect new date, and about online tickets.
    8. Action Item: Deb will ask Zark for blow up decorations, bring decorations, and ask Kira for hers.
    9. Action Item: Andrew to print posters and bring to next meeting.
    10. Action Item: Daniel to ask Rec Room for plasma cars & sponsorship.
    11. Action Item: Lesley to ask Sandy & Rayissa to sponsor. Ask Dana to do crafts and face painting. Ask Kira about forwarding paper ticket template.
    12. Action Item: Anne to talk to Joel Keitner about FBI pizza contact or sponsorship
    13. Action Item: Leanne to ask movie theatre for big popcorn bag.
    14. Action Item: Deb and JoAnne to coordinate candy/treat pickup.
  1. MLCN Consultation Invitation; All Community Groups invited. Issues to discuss will include parks, traffic, parking, transit, trends in the community, etc. Kent and Anne to attend and represent the MRA. Action Item: Kent and Anne to finalize community survey and send.
  1. New member interest. Action Item: Chris to invite Kate to next meeting
  1. Leanne completed CRA Filing
  1. E-news Mailing List. Leigh to add new email addresses to MailChimp. JoAnne and Leanne to let Leigh know when new members join.
  1. Bell Box Mural Update: Painting starting week of September 18th! Paint will be distributed and 8 artists will be underway. The unveiling event is Thursday, October 12th at 1pm.
  1. Changes to the OMB: MRA should send representatives to Milczyn’s upcoming consultations on future of OMB. Action Item: John to inform us of meetings.
  1. Next meeting: Wednesday October 11th, 7:30pm at Anne’s house
  1. Motion from Daniel to terminate 9:05pm. Seconded by Lesley. All in favour.

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