Thursday Nov 8, 2018 – Chris’s House
Present: Anne Arthur (minutes), Deborah Burgess, Leanne Faber, Adam Matheson, Chris Moore (chair), Kent Schroeder, Lesley Rowe Strong
Regrets: Leigh Graham, Kate Leslie Johnston, Cam Smith
- Quorum obtained; meeting began at 7:35 pm
- Approval of October minutes – Chris
- Moved by Lesley, seconded by Deborah. All in favour – approved.
- Tree for Me Closeout – Chris/Leanne
- Essentially wrapped up – Kate can provide a more comprehensive update at the next meeting.
- $438.85 of grant money obtained was spent + $250 to LSA for accounting services.
- Kate has requested photos – ACTION: Adam to send Kate photos he took at TFM event.
- Halloween
Dance Closeout – Chris/All
- Financial Summary – Leanne
- $150 sponsorship received from Old Mill Realty, after the event.
- Total profit = $1937.19.
- Improvements for Next Year
- Tattoos and colouring pages were popular – Lesley suggested that we add an additional craft table next year (total = 3 tables)
- Start with 15 pizzas
- Only four advance tickets were sold – next year we will not do paper tickets.
- Remember – more power bars!
- Did not need popcorn.
- Price list needs to be updated – inconsistent pricing, everything should be a dollar – currently some things are .50 and .75.
- Safer candy.
- Chris will look into booking Mimico Adult Centre early before summer. Leanne raised that the Mimico Library may also work as an alternate location.
- Financial Summary – Leanne
- Vandyke
GO Station Development Proposal Meeting Update – Adam/Chris
- Adam provided an update on the Nov 5th meeting with Vandyke. Will be redeveloping the ‘Mimico on the GO’ land, adding underground parking for the station.
- Tunnel will connect Blue Goose St to platforms.
- Mixed use development – planning to incorporate some non-residential uses.
- Vandyke is planning to hold an open house in early 2019 – they will share info with us to distribute when it is available.
- ACTION: Adam will post a short summary of the meeting to Facebook, providing an information update to the community. Plans for January open house will be shared.
- Invitation
from Mimico by the Lake BIA to have MRA rep attend their board meetings at 8am
on the second Wed of every month
- Chris will ask Alison Juda from the BIA to share the agendas with him. He will share with the board and if anyone is interested they can attend.
- Update on Third Lakeshore Leaders’ Forum – Adam
- Round table format, fewer presentations than previous meetings.
- Looking to create sub-groups/committees to focus on specific issues of relevance to the neighbourhood (e.g., traffic, transit, voter engagement)
- Next LLF meeting will be in January, planning to host a town hall involving all levels of government.
Planning – Chris
- Location (Mimico Library) and date (March 21) have been confirmed.
- Councillor Grimes & MPP Hogarth have been invited to speak.
- Nominating Committee Update – Anne
- Anne provided a status update. One ‘meet and greet’ has been held, and an additional meeting has been set for late November.
- The board discussed the number of vacancies that need to be filled for the 2019/2020 board.
- Other Business
- MRA Instagram Account – Anne provided an update that an Instagram account has been created for the MRA.
- Chris will connect with MPP Hogarth to organize a meet & greet – introduce ourselves, tell her about the MRA and the work that we do in the community
- The group discussed some ideas and plans for the future, and agreed to hold a strategy/planning meeting in early December to further discuss.
- Cam Smith has resigned from the MRA Board
- Next meeting date and time
- Thurs Jan 17, location TBD