Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West, Suite C48
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
September 18, 2023
Subject: 2405-2411 Lakeshore Boulevard West (21235704 WET 03 OZ)
Attn: Councillor Amber Morely
Mayor Olivia Chow
Gregg Lintern, Chief Planner & Executive Director
Michael Mizzi, Director, Community Planning – Etobicoke York District
Prabhat Dahal, Senior Planner, Community Planning – Etobicoke York District
Dear Etobicoke York Community Council Members
Having thoroughly reviewed the development proposal for 2405-2411 Lakeshore Boulevard West, the Mimico Residents’ Association (the “MRA”) would like to formally register our support of city staff’s position in opposing this file at the Ontario Land Tribunal. Being the first tall building proposal on this section of Lakeshore Boulevard West in Mimico, we feel it is fundamental that the proposal be thoughtful to the existing neighborhood context and its proximity to the waterfront and Amos Waites public park.
As an association, we would like to note that we support meaningful development in Mimico and the current political objectives of creating more residential units to address the current housing crisis. Given Mimico’s proximity to higher-level transit, the Gardiner Expressway, and the abundant underutilized lands, we understand that our community is a prime location for intensification. This being said we do not feel the current iteration of this proposal would appropriately address the needs of our community. As will be noted below, the applicant has not yet participated in any form of community engagement and the proposal contradicts many of the fundamental objectives of the Mimico-by-the-lake Secondary Plan.
Should the applicant be willing to participate in meaningful community engagement with ourselves, other ratepayer groups, and the broader community, we believe a proposal that is mutually beneficial can be reached. As this file moves forward through the appeal process, we ask city staff and relevant stakeholders to consider the following concerns:
Housing Option
● Should the development be approved, at a minimum, the affected tenants of the existing rental units should be entitled to:
○ Interim housing within the immediate neighborhood at or below current rent ○ Financial compensation for hardships
○ Opportunity to return to a new unit of equal type and size, at current rent (+legal increases)
○ Access to unbiased information provided by third-party organizations on legal entitlements and general guidance
● Currently there is no proposal for affordable units. The MRA asks for 15% of the total unit count, provided proportionally to unit mix, to be secured as affordable units for a tenure of at least 25 years
● Rental replacement should be provided at a ratio of at least 1:1
Proposed New Public Road
● Concern with the removal of lands from Amos Waites public park (especially considering existing narrow entrance condition)
● Concern with proximity/impact of a new public road to Amos Waites, especially the children’s playground, Amos Waites public pool and Mimico Square
● Ownership of 2413 and 2415 Lakeshore Blvd W. is unclear and should be confirmed
Public Parkland
● Existing public parkland should not be removed unless the final condition is a significant increase to the size and quality of Amos Waites park. The proposed 370sm parkland dedication is not satisfactory given the removal of parkland for the proposed new public road. The applicant should confirm the net gain in parkland being proposed.
● Concern with the proposed removal of mature trees within Amos Waites Park
Public Consultation
● No public consultation has taken place
● No development sign has been posted on site
● No tenant consultation meeting for those affected by the application has taken place
Density and Building Envelope
● The proposal does not respect the Tall Building Guidelines requirement for 12.5m between property lines and tower face
● Given the adverse effects of shadowing on public open spaces, the Tall Building Guidelines’ provision for a maximum tower floorplate of 750sm (Gross Construction Area) should not be exceeded
● Building heights are not in keeping with Mimico By the Lake Secondary Plan or the Avenues and Mid-Rise Building Guidelines:
○ Mid-rise building should be a maximum of 8 storeys and 27m (currently proposed at 10 storeys and +40m)
○ Mid-rise building should be setback on south and west sides above 6 storeys to maintain pedestrian realm along Lakeshore Boulevard and Amos Waites Park
○ High-rise building should be a maximum of 25 storeys and 76.5m (currently 33 storeys and +109.6m)
We would like to thank City Staff, for their work in reviewing this application and taking the time to consider community feedback. The MRA looks forward to collaborating with city staff and the applicant in developing a proposal that more accurately addresses the concerns of our community while addressing the need for new thoughtful housing.
Thank you,
Rozhen Asrani
President, Mimico Residents Association