Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting
Thursday February 4, 2016
Meeting at the home of Chris Moore at 7:30 pm.
Present: John, Joanne, Chris M, Mary, JoAnne, Gavin Tait, Lesley, Deb Burgess.
Regrets: Kyra (proxy to John), Dana.
- As a quorum was present, John opened the meeting at 7:39.
- Approval of January 7, 2016 minutes. Revisions noted.
- Update on January minutes.
Coronation Park Lawn Bowling club facility. Chris has contacted Kim Edgar regarding the Club. Kim has asked the city to arrange a visit. Action: Chris will follow up with the City.
The Next Door Family Resource (NDFR) was closed in November and re-opened last week. We are still unsure why it was closed. LAMP is now managing the program. - New Board members. Two (potential) new members attended tonight’s meeting. Action: John will continue to recruit.
- AGM: Mary has booked St Leo’s for Tuesday March 29.
SFH- Is available Thursday the 31st. Action: John will complete the application.
Guest speaker for the AGM. Action: Chris is meeting with the community relation officer for Metrolinx - Update on MLRM/City working group- John is waiting to hear if the MRA can have a seat on the City’s committee. Joanne C sent an email to Mr. Levy requesting a member to be on the committee. She has had no response to her email.
- Shore Line Towers OMB hearing. Mary and Michael C. attended the hearing February 2, 2016. The landlord NE of SLT was present and unaware of the Mimico Secondary plan. He was given participant status. It appears he is not in favor of the proposed SLT building.
- MLRM update. The Court adjudicator sided with MLRM and not with Metrolinx. The easement that MLRM had relocated can stay. Metrolinx is appealing the decision. Once the appeal is heard and a decision made then MLRM will have go to the OMB to request approval for their six buildings that were constructed without building permits.
- Other business: Amos Waites Park and Mimico linear park. Chris took pictures of the green space adjacent to Amos Waites and the linear park showing its decay. Chris sent a photo to the City, BIA and Mark Grimes.
Construction of the splash pad is to begin in the spring. The splash pad will have no shade. The MRA will be advocating for the planting of trees. Action: John will ask one of his colleagues with the city’s park services regarding what type of trees would be available and suitable for this area of the park. - The next MRA Board of Directors meeting will be at our AGM March 31, 2016.
- Chris moved to terminate the meeting at 9.10pm. Lesley seconded the motion. The meeting was duly terminated.