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April 2016 MRA Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for MRA Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday April 14, 2016

In attendance: Deb, Mary, Chris, Dan, Joanne C., Lesley, Gavin, Leanne, JoAnne M.
Regrets: Kyra, John

  1. As quorum was present Chris moved to open the meeting at 7:39 p.m.
  2. Approval of February 4, 2016 minutes- Dan proposed approval of the February minutes seconded by Mary.
  3. Update from February 2016 minutes:
    • Coronation Park Lawn bowling Club:  Mark Grimes has asked the City if assessment of the building can be done.  Action: We will check with Mark Grimes office in two months.
    • Trees for Amos Waites Park: Action: John to address this at our May meeting.  Chris will speak with John.
    • MLRM working group:  John attended the MLRM sub group meeting on March 1/16.  Lakeshore planning council also sent a representative.  Minutes of the meeting were sent to John and he has shared them with the MRA Board of Directors.  There is no new location that has been found by the city for relocation of MLRM. The next MLRM sub group meeting is on June 6/16. Action: John will attend
  1. Chris welcomed all the new members and returning members. Our AGM was a success. Kim E (from Mark Grimes office) and Peter Milczyn were in attendance which proved to be very helpful.  They both were able to answer questions from the attendee’s.
  2. Mimico Adult Centre Hub: Chris & Mary attended the meeting. The Mimico Adult Center (MAC) is owned by the Toronto District School Board. The hope is that the MAC can be redeveloped as a Community Hub and that both St. Leo’s and John English can share the MAC facilities.  The TDSB has no money for improvements for the MAC so it is unclear how this can move forward.  Action: MRA to support in principle and continue to monitor.
  3. Humber Bay Parks Project: Chris and Mary are on the working group. Action: Chris and Mary will attend the working group meetings over the coming year.
  4. Storefront Humber: SFH organized the meeting on April 11/16 and Lesley was able to attend. There was no representative from Mark Grimes office. Peter Milcyzn sent his assistant Wendy.  SFH stated they have no plans for expansion of the building; however the concern is that as the valuable services they provide continue to grow they may need to further expand the building.   Currently SFH is making an effort to engage the community regarding potential community uses of a shared space.
    • Michael C has explored having the City provide a new lease instead of a renewal.
    • If the lease is granted could conditions be added to prevent expansion?
    • Next meeting is on April 28 @ 7pm at John English School.
  1. Dunpar Development Proposal on Judson St: Joanne C, Chris, and JoAnne attended the meeting on April 12/16. There were 23 community residents in attendance. Proposal by Dunpar is a mix of town homes and commercial space that does not meet the City’s proposed secondary plan for this area.  The secondary plan is for commercial use only.  Provincial policy requires 300 meters between rail yards and residential dwellings and the location of the proposed development is within 300 meters of the rail yard.  Metrolinx is also not in favor of residential buildings at this site. Action: We will continue to monitor.
  2. Mimico Traffic Safety Meeting: Dana and Joanne attended. The community is concerned with increase in traffic, lack of police presence, and the disobeying of one way signage.  There are no immediate solutions.
  3. Meeting with Councillor Grimes Action: Chris will contact Mark Grimes office and invite him to our upcoming (May or June) MRA Board of Directors meeting.
  4. Mimico Creek Hike: Suggested dates are Saturday Apr 30th. Action: Chris will confirm the date.
  5. Party in the Park: The date is June 14/16. Rob has asked that we sell food tickets. Action: JoAnne & Joanne will ask for the number of volunteers needed and schedule.
    JoAnne & Joanne will inquire if our services would be better used if we volunteer to sell food tickets completely or sell juice/ candy etc from our own table as well as sell food tickets for the event.
  1. Other business
    Mimico waterfront clean up April 23 @ 10 am @ Amos Waites.
  1. The next Board meeting will be held on Thurs, May 12, 2016. Deb has offered to host.
    Dan moved to terminate the meeting, seconded by Leslie.  Meeting terminated at 9:39 pm.




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