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May 2017 MRA Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting

Tuesday May 2, 2017

Meeting at the home of Lesley


Present: Chris, Leanne, Lesley, JoAnne, Leigh, John, Andrew, Kent, Anne

  1. As quorum was present, Chris moved to open the meeting at 8:30pm.
  1. Lesley proposed approval of March 7 2017 minutes, seconded by John. Lesley proposed approval of the March 30 2017 minutes, seconded by Leanne.
  1. No additional items for agenda from the Board.

  1. Chris welcomed new board members and distributed confidentiality agreement to new members- Anne, Andrew, Kent and Leigh.

  1. Treasurer Leanne’s update on signing authority;

Have not been able to transfer authority with bank yet.

Quickbooks is setup and passwords being changed.

  1. New Board Transition:

Replacements for roles previously held:
1. monitoring MRA emails (Andrew volunteered)
2. checking the P.O. Box (Leanne has volunteered)
3. communications- FB posting (Anne has volunteered to lead and coordinate social media team; Chris, Deb and Leigh on the team as well)
4. E-newsletter (Lesley will compile information; Leigh will take on WordPress formatting).

  1. Chris asked for thoughts on how to improve AGM for next year.

Feedback: Good that Milcyn and Grimes attended. It would be good to continue having a guest speaker. We feel the residents were informed effectively. Inclusive of different voices in the community important. Add food next year? Add nametags.

Paid membership: only 50.

Other ideas: Add online profiles of new members (Anne). Survey people through FB (what do you want to see/know about? (Anne). Host the candidates meeting next year -election year (Anne).

  1. Lesley updated us on Board insurance. Board is protected from lawsuits so not paying out of pocket on a claim; it also protects Board Member assets. We have a general liability policy as well– we do an ‘as is’ renewal each year for under $1000 per year.

John proposed that Lesley proceed with 2017/18 insurance renewal, Leanne seconded motion, all in favour.

Action: Lesley to make sure that all our activities are covered under the policy and renew.

  1. JoAnne updated the group on 20th anniversary ‘Party in the Park’ (and Canada’s 150th) Tuesday, June 13th: at George R. Gould. Next meeting tomorrow. MRA has a booth where we sell ring pops and donate back to event. JoAnne will organize volunteers from current board and previous board. Know anyone who wants to get on the organizing committee? Pass it on to JoAnne.

Potential new board members:

Action: Chris to reach out to resident who expressed interest in joining board. Include Kent and John

Action: Lesley to invite resident who expressed interest in getting more involved to Invite to Party in the Park and Invite to Board meeting in September.

  1. Lesley gave Waterfront Transit Reset update – an initiative to make traveling on waterfront more efficient. Parklawn Go Station not likely, but former Mr. Christie location proposed to be a transit hub with potential for shifting Humber loop over. Plan to improve streetcar. Lesley’s feedback- Time of day streetcar, and improve bus to Old Mill- add express buses. Buses on Lakeshore more efficient.

MRA will support specific proposals if low-maintenance, and will help direct residents to send feedback to appropriate source.
Action: Lesley will inform Kent and Andrew on next meetings.

  1. Chris discussed Blue Goose Re-development: Community Consultation coming on May 15th. May be designated as heritage site. What does heritage designation mean to plans?

  1. Chris gave a Mimico Bell Box Mural Update: parties involved are Chris, Leigh, Mary, Deb and Councillor Grimes and his office. Grimes office to provide funding in the amount of $9600 to Community Matters Toronto to fund 8 Mimico Bell Box Murals (likely a 2018 Project).
  1. Next meeting Tues June 6, 2017. 7:30 pm. JoAnne’s house.

Motion to terminate meeting: JoAnne. Seconded by Lesley. Meeting terminated at 9:59pm.

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