Mimico Party in the Park Seeking Sponsors
Mimico’s Annual Party in the Park is a much anticipated family event attracting 2000+ local residents! This year it’s happening on Tuesday June 17 at 5:30 – 8:30pm, at John English Schoolyard (95 Mimico Ave).
MRA is helping to facilitate this event by inviting local businesses to sponsor Party in the Park for up to $1000. Please contact MRA Party in the Park Representative Daniel Gerecht for details via info@mimicoresidents.ca. View sponsorship information
Check out the new Party in the Park Facebook Page and website MimicoPartyinthePark.com for regular updates, photos and more!
ML Ready Mix Update
Lots to report on the ML Ready Mix front – here’s just an excerpt: As required by the Ministry of the Environment, ML ready mix completed the extension to their wall/fence on March 19, 2014. Since that date, ML has failed two consecutive independent acoustic audits…
Read more on our blog.
Community Events:
Springtime Melodies
Date: Saturday, May 24th, 2014
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Mimico Baptist Church, 80 Hillside Ave.
Mimico Children’s Choir’s 7th Annual Spring Concert featuring a fun variety of folk, classical and sacred songs plus favourites from Annie! Mary Bella and Jennifer Robinson, directors, Tanya Paradowski, piano. Pay what you can.
Join us for refreshments following the concert downstairs in the Church hall.
More info:mimicochildrenschoir@gmail.com | MimicoChildrensChoir.com
Shooting For the Stars
Luncheon Fundraiser for SEYA (South Etobiocke Youth Assembly)
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Time: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Location: “Mimico Cruising Club” 200 Humber Bay Park Rd.
This fundraiser will help youth attend SEYA’s leadership camp, workshop, or community functions that helps to develop and enrich the lives of many youth, both near and far. The Event will be held at the beautiful “Mimico Cruising Club” 200 Humber Bay Park Rd. and will be right next to the Lake, what better to enjoy a delicious gourmet lunch!
Mimico Tulip Festival
Date: Tuesday May 27
Time: 4pm – 7pm
Location: On Royal York Road N of Judson.
Saturday May 31st, 9 to 2
80 Hillside Ave.
Indoors & Outdoors, Rain or Shine. Have stuff you no longer need? Why not donate it to the sale! Drop off at the church between May 25-30
www.mimicobaptistchurch.org 416-251-2855 mimicobaptist@rogers.com
Date: Tuesday June 17
Time: 5:30 – 8:30
Location: John English JMS SChoolyard
Family Friendly Fun! More information at mimicopartyinthepark.com