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APPLICATION DETAILS for 2256 Lakeshore Blvd West
Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment for a mixed-use building composed of two towers rising to 35 and 18 storeys with a total gross floor area (GFA) of 39,699 square metres and density (FSI) of 6.28 times the area of the lot. The proposed development includes 594 residential dwelling units and 665 square metres of commercial space at-grade along Lake Shore Boulevard West, fronting onto a pedestrian plaza.
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The formal notice of any public meeting held by the City will be sent to: property owners within 120m (400 feet) of the property; anyone submitting a written request to the City Clerk’s Office to be notified, and anyone providing their name and contact information on (a comment sheet that is brought up by clicking “I agree” to the following).
The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the Planning Act, and the City of Toronto Municipal Code. The City collects this information to enable it to make an informed decision on the relevant issue(s). Individuals who submit correspondence should be aware that any personal information in their communication will become part of the public record. The City will make it available to the public, unless the individual expressly requests the City to remove the personal information. Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to the Planner listed above.
Developer: 2589727 Ontario Ltd.
An overview of the actual building construction plans, site rendering, and other details of the Developer can be found on the UrbanToronto site here – 2256 Lakeshore Blvd West Also on this site is a discussion by Urban Toronto and a link to where you can discuss your concerns with other concerned residents and some of those involved with the project.
The MRA posts these details for information purposes only. Please refer to the City of Toronto Application Centre for accurate details. The MRA encourages local residents to weigh in on this project and contribute to the decisions of the City and the Developer.