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Letter to Councillor Grimes Re: Amos Waites Improvement Plans

Sent: February 5th, 2014

Councillor Mark Grimes
Ward 6 Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West, Suite C48
Toronto, ON
M5H 2N2

Re: Amos Waites Park Improvement Plans

Dear Councillor Grimes,

The Mimico Residents Association (MRA) has followed and participated in the two rounds of community consultation leading to the Amos Waites Park Phase One Plans released on February 4th 2014.  We are excited about this new investment in our community and in general feel very positive about the plans presented.

In the interest of ensuring that this new playground meets the current and future needs of Mimico families, we request that the following points be addressed.

  1. Trees and Shade – The new playground design has very little to provide shade.  For the medium to long term we believe that the solution to this is to plant trees.  Given that the playground area is large we believe that in addition to planting trees around the outside of the playground, trees are also needed inside the area of the playground itself.  We would like assurances that this plan can be improved to include planting the trees now to make this a wonderful, shaded playground in future.  We would like to work with the City’s west forestry office on Kipling to discuss the species and their location in and surrounding the playground.  We are also open to additional options for providing shade in the short term, while the young trees mature.
  1. Lighting and Safety – The community has repeatedly raised concerns around safety and criminal activity such as vandalism and drug use in the park, especially at night. We would like assurances that the current lighting plan is adequate to provide the appropriate visibility into the playground from the street so as to deter this kind of activity.

It is important to remember that longer term plans including Phase 2, should look at the Park as a whole. The plans should address the need to accommodate and encourage community events and gatherings. An activity space for all ages, washroom facilities and shaded areas in and around the square should all be part of the discussion and plan.

Furthermore, these discussions should also include debating and materially addressing the condition and future use of the City’s Store Front Humber building.

The Mimico Residents Association remains committed to promoting the quality of residential and economic life in and around the Mimico area.


Kyra Trainor, President
Mimico Residents Association

Cc: Harrington McAvan Ltd., Markham.



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