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June 2021 Meeting Minutes

MRA Board Meeting Notes

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

19:30 – 20:20

Attendees (virtually)

Lauren Facto, Alex Cameron, Mike Majeski, Neil Arcot, Tim Ellis


  1. Minutes from May approved
  2. Flyer for MRA
    • Mike distributed a flyer for review by the team
      • If no objections, Mike will distribute during canvassing
    • Flyer is meant to invite people to join the MRA
      • Mike collects that information and forwards it to the board for followup
    • Targeting 100 new members by end of month (on 4,000 door knocks)
  3. Etobicoke Climate Action
    • Two successful events; next event on June 24th to lay the groundwork for longer-term efforts in Etobicoke
    • Signup at
    • Tim and Alex to continue to liaise between the two groups
      • Useful model to have someone on the board liaising with other connected groups to keep us up to date; can expand on that
  4. Insurance
    • Emma found a lot of wishy-washy behaviour from other competitors so we elected to stay with the current insurer
  5. Letter to Grimes
    • Letter written; next step to send from the MRA email after being signed by the President.
    • Lauren will forward to Tim/Adam/Mostafa for sending through MRA email
  6. Newsletter
    • Neil offered to take a shot at the newsletter drafting
    • Will go through meeting notes and inbox for community events and content and forward to Tim and Adam for implementation
    • Alex offered to help out with comms as well if desired
    • We are getting quite a few emails about ML Ready Mix; we may put a filter in place to sort into a folder of their own and then calculate the total every few months to update people.
  7. Filling the role of President
    • Mike would like to step down and have someone fill the role
    • He is willing to stay on and hold the course if that’s ok with folks
    • He will send along an email and let people know we’re planning to coast for the summer and then consider next steps
  8. Other business
    • Next meeting:
      • Take July off
      • Have a late August reconvene and hopefully have it in-person
        • We chose August 18th as a tentative re-convene date

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