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June 2017 MRA Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Meeting at the home of JoAnne

Present: Chris, Leanne, Lesley, JoAnne, Leigh, Deborah, Andrew, Kent, Anne

  1. As quorum was present, Chris moved to open the meeting at 7:37pm.
  1. Party in the Park – MRA to sell juice boxes and candy. New location: George R. Gauld on Melrose Street. Tuesday June 13th.
    Action item: JoAnne to create schedule for the evening.
  1. Membership – Updated wording for website and June cutoff – Lesley. Change membership terms: If you sign up before June 30th you get until January. If you sign up in second half of the year, you get until the following January. $10 either way. Lesley proposed motion; seconded by JoAnne, all in favour.
    Action item: Lesley to coordinate wording change on website as proposed to reflect the June 30th cutoff.
  1. Membership – JoAnne volunteered to take over from Lesley. Excel doc backed up on Google Drive. Follow up with member list each January. Paypal report printed out by Mary 2-3 times a year.
    Action item: JoAnne will do handover training session with Lesley.
  1. Mural Location Idea – on Storefront Humber wall – StreetARToronto will pay 70% for approved projects. Lakeshore Arts has mural experience.
    Action Item: Chris to speak with Executive Director at SFH regarding the idea.
  1. Update on meeting with new Candidate for MRA Board – John/Kent/Chris
    Action Item: Chris to invite candidate to September meeting and ask if he’d like to join the MRA FB communication team.
  1. Bell Box Mural Project Update. Project funding $9600 approved through Councillor Grimes office. 8 boxes to be completed in September. Call for submissions to artists going out July 11th.
    Action item: Leigh to do blog post on MRA website promoting call for submissions, MRA to publicize through other methods.
  1. Amos Waites Tree Planting Update – John confirmed city trees planted appear healthy.
  1. Consultation meeting tomorrow for Audley and Buckingham Street condo proposal. Lesley to attend.
  1. Mimico Ave and Lakeshore Blvd Ave intersection. Dangerous for crossing the road as the right turning vehicles passing the bus can’t see pedestrians.
    Action Item: Chris to share resident concern with Councillor Grimes office.
  1. Insurance update: Leanne/Lesley confirmed proof of MRA insurance coverage received.
  1. Blue Goose Proposal Meeting: Townhouse building proposed. Concern about parking; only street parking on Cavell Avenue available.
  1. Next meeting date and place: Tues. Sept 12th, 7:30pm at Deborah’s house: 41 Dartmouth Crescent.
  1. Motion to terminate meeting: JoAnne. Seconded by Deborah. All in favour. Meeting terminated at 9:10pm.

Next meeting agenda item: Treasurer- filing taxes report

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