Mimico Residents Association
July 16, 2020, 19:30-20:30
Virtual meeting
In attendance: Tim Ellis, Mike Majeski, Heather Mak, Adam Matheson, Emma Park, Mostafa Shahein,
Regrets: Joe Fotia, John Homsy, James Stack
Meeting start at 19:32
1) Quorum and Meeting Opening – Mike
- Note that Jackie Monahan has resigned from board due to move from the neighbourhood
2) Approval of June Minutes – ALL
- No objections to June minutes
- Motion: Adam, Seconded Emma
- Minutes are approved unanimously
3) Insurance and Banking – Joe/Emma
- Sent cheque in and signed by Chris (name has to be switched over to new executive)
- Emma to ask Joe for policy number/Adam to forward insurance policy
- Emma to check paper trail for insurance
4) Individual Bios – Heather
- Heather has put up bios on website, but missing password to pictures, will put them up when received from Tim
5) Affordable Housing Discussion (Adam’s Email) – Adam
- Mimico is somewhere in the middle – Mimico has a high proportion of renters compared to Toronto as an average with cost somewhere in the middle
- Adam has received a letter which he will send out to the group for more context
- Group will decide whether to do an email vote on whether to distribute petition to members or stay neutral
6) COVID Update – Tim/Mike/John
- Councillor Grimes office has declined participation, and has referred us over to his email updates
- Tim will reach out to MP Maloney and MPP Hogarth in case they would like to do a second round of updates
- Mike has suggested a list of community resources in our next newsletter e.g. Food Banks, Haven on the Queensway, Women’s Habitat, Jean Augustine Centre – Adam will assemble
- Heather has also suggested highlighting Black-owned businesses in next newsletter as well (will grab from Facebook group)
7) Discuss Adam’s membership letter – Feedback for Adam
- Heather and Mostafa had some suggestions already within document
- Adam will streamline membership process through Mailchimp Adam will streamline membership into Mailchimp
- Mike had wanted to investigate other payment options e.g. Square for easier payment
8) Other Business
- Business reached out to advertise within MRA newsletter
- For the time being, Board of Directors does not want to advertise in order to maintain neutrality, and due to effort required to advertise
- Mostafa has suggested another COVID guest speaker in a video series – a family medicine and infectious disease specialist at Mimico Medical – he will organize; as well as a dentist
- A member had wanted to participate in this meeting, but unfortunately we did not have the dial-in details early enough – we will send minutes and dial-in details more quickly for the next meeting
9) Next Meeting TBD – ALL
- August 19 – 19:30PM
- Emma to send Google Meet
Meeting adjourned at 20:35