The Community Consultation on this Zoning Amendment Application is scheduled for
7:00-8:30 p.m.
St. Leo’s School.
Below is the opening summary from the Preliminary Report.
“This application proposes a mixed use development at 49, 53 and 55 Judson Street, consisting of three 4-storey townhouse blocks containing 72 units and two 3-storey commercial buildings with 28 units at the southern portion of the site, all accessed by private laneways.
This site is within the study area of the proposed Mimico-Judson Secondary Plan. This application conflicts with the staff recommendations in the draft Mimico-Judson Secondary Plan, which propose to redesignate the lands from Regeneration Areas back to Employment Areas (Core Employment Areas).”
Read the full Dunpar Lands report here.
Read the Mimico-Judson Secondary Plan for public viewing (March 17, 2016).