Minutes for MRA Board of Directors meeting
Wednesday October 11, 2017
Meeting at the home of Anne
Present: Chris, Lesley, Leigh, Deborah, Andrew, Kent, Anne, JoAnne
Regrets: Daniel, John, Leanne
Guest: Kate
As quorum was present, Chris moved to open the meeting at 7:43pm.
Motion by Chris to approve September minutes. Seconded by Lesley. All in favour.
Venue: Venue confirmed at St Leo’s for Friday Oct 27th, 6-10pm (Dance from 6:30-8:30). Lesley to adjust booking to end at 9pm, and pay by credit card (to be reimbursed by Treasurer)
Warren has volunteered his time to DJ. He will rent equipment and be reimbursed by Treasurer.
All members to put up posters around the community.
Publicity for dance; posted on our Facebook page and Inside Toronto website, ask Mark Grimes to put in his event calendar and eNews (Anne), Joel Keitner will put in his newsletter.
Decorations: Deb to bring; everyone to set up.
Sponsorship: Plasma cars from Rec Room (Daniel); Sandy sponsoring craft and face painting (Lesley); Keitner Group to sponsor pizza for the night, including delivery (Anne). Leanne to bring popcorn from theatre.
Treats and Toys: Deb to handle treats. JoAnne to handle “jewels” and water bottles.
Price list: JoAnne to print in advance.
Other: JoAnne to organize coolers and bring ice. Extension cords (JoAnne and Deb), Lanterns (Lesley), Candy Bowls (JoaAnne)
More volunteers: Chris will ask Kira / Aaron / Mary if they want to help out.
Dance Tasks:
Task Responsible Setup – Decorations Deborah, JoAnne Sign-in / Signs on Front Doors Chris Cash box and float – Leanne
Treat & Glow Stick Sales Pizza – Joel Keitner / Anne Popcorn – Leanne
Candy and Treats – Jo Anne / Deborah
Sales – Leigh
Craft Table Dana / Lesley Face Painting Sandy and Rayissa / Lesley Plasma Cars Daniel DJ Setup Warren Monitor washroom doors Kent Photos Leigh and Lesley
MLCN Leaders Consultation – Kent and Anne updated the group on what was discussed
Mural Project Update – Ribbon Cutting is Thurs Oct 12th at 2pm in Stanley Ave Park.
Action: Leigh to draft blog post about artists and boxes. Anne to post it on FB.
Nominating Committee: Motion from Lesley: “Anne, Kent and Chris form the nominating committee to recommend candidates for the 2018/19 MRA board.” Deb seconded. All in favour; motion carried.
Toronto Life interviewed Anne about Mimico. Will be published in November or December.
Next meeting date and place: Wednesday November 8th, 7:30pm at Chris’ house
Motion from Lesley to terminate 9:05pm. Seconded by Anne. All in favour. Motion carried.